Punti Kayu Forestry Tourism is conservation forestry that located at Palembang, South Sumatera.
This site is accessible by public vehicles easily, located about 7 kilometers from the central town at Jalan Sudirman KM. 7 and covers about 50 Ha area. It has been stated as conservation forest since 1998.
Punti Kayu Forestry Tourism is divided into 4 (four) zone: Recreation zone with its Swimming pool, mini zoo, sport center, and hall; conservation forest zone; Camping ground zone; and lake zone.

This forestry park is growth by many shady and leavy tropical tress such as pine and spruce, also as home of groups of monkey. Inside the forest there are small lake facilitated with boats and bridge that makes idyll panorama. Any recreation facilities are prepared too, such as swimming pools, mini zoo, kids fun arena, camping ground, fishing pond, sport center and many others. The Punti Kayu management also offering any packets of out-bond activities and makes the area become flowers and plants center.