Have you ever imagine how the sensation when you ride a camel, and walk around desert with grilling of the sun by ride a camel. A long neck animal that able to save the water stock at the camel's hump, and usually can life in desert area only. Certainly, you think that to enjoy ride the desert animal like camel only can to do it in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, or in the other of desert area. You also have to prepare your physical, in other not to become dehydration when ride a camel in the desert. That can make difficulties for, and you should to consider your pretension to do it.

But, to enjoy how the sensation when ride a camel you shouldn't be going to desert. The reason because Bali kept a place for ride a camel tour, this fantastic tour called "Bali Camel Safari's". The place located in coastal area of Sawangan Beach in Nusa Dua, Bali. Travelled distance about ten minutes from central resort in Nusa Dua by drive a car. Walking around the beach by ride a camel become a destination that must be visited by tourist in Bali. Even every tourist who visiting Bali is already feel ride a camel in Nusa Dua, Bali.
Bali Camel Safari's is to serve your need about ride a camel. There are many different thing about ride a camel and ride a horse, because a camel walk slowly. So, it is suit one's fancy when walking around the beach. And so many unique things when you ride a camel.
To enjoy ride a camel in Bali Camel Safari's, you can pay only $30 for adult, and $20 for children. A camel can ride by two person only. A guide will guiding you walking around the beach. You can enjoy the beautiful of Sawangan Beach that famous with the white sand and lime coral. You can feel the fresh breeze in the beach. And you can see the quiet waves upon the beach, also seaweed farmer making activity. You can to try and enjoy Bali Camel Safari's in the morning, noon, and afternoon. You just fit with your spare time. So, prepare your holiday time and enjoy this amazing experience in Nusa Dua, Bali.