Tano Ponggol Canal, 1 of 3 Canals in The World

In 17 November 1869, the first canal in the world opened officially. That was “Canal of Suez” or called “Qana Al-Suways” in Arabian and “Terusan Suez” in Indonesian. Situated in West of Sinai Peninsula, Mesir. This canal was ship canal about 168 kilometers, and connects Said Harbor in Mediterranean Sea and Suez in Red Sea. Canal of Suez cut short fairway from Europe to Asia.

“Canal of Panama” or “Terusan Panama” in Indonesian was a long canal where situated in Panama. This canal cleaves the Isthmus of Panama about 82 kilometers and cutting between North America and South America. Canal of Panama connects Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean. The idea emanated by Spanish King, Charles V in 1524.

And one of three canals in the world situated in Indonesia also. “Canal of Tano Ponggol”, in North Sumatra. “Tano Ponggol” means shallow canal, the deepness about two meters. This canal cleaves Samosir Island and Sumatra Island. Built by the Government of Netherland Colonial in 1906.
Differ from Canal of Suez and Canal of Panama, Canal of Ponggol impassable by big ships. Because of that Canal of Tano Ponggol width about two meters only. A little bridge connects both of the islands.

In previous time, Samosir Island was uniting with Sumatra Island. But, nowadays Samosir Island and Sumatra Island is two different islands. Now, this famous place becomes a tour destination area. Samosir Island is the part of Lake Toba, conversely Lake Toba is the part of Samosir Island. When you enter Samosir Island you will find an amazing experience.

So, by knowing about Canal of Tano Ponggol, you also can enjoy your journey here. Or the other word, when you search about the history of Canal of Tano Ponggol, you are making a tour at the same time. There are so many thing that you can found here.


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